Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions for your repair
At Edinburgh Gas & Renewables, we care about privacy and we protect your personal data. We want to be transparent about how we use your personal data, so before you read our Terms and Conditions, we want to point out that Edinburgh Gas & Renewables Limited is the data controller of your personal data. Although our Privacy Notice does not form part of the contract between you and Edinburgh Gas & Renewables Limited, we recommend that you read our Privacy Notice, to understand how we collect and use your personal data and your data protection rights. Please see our Privacy Notice
Your agreement
These terms explain how we’ll carry out the work we’ve quoted you for, the terms of your agreement with us, how to cancel the work and how to make a complaint. Please read them carefully.
Your quote or estimate is valid for 1 calendar month from the date we give it to you. If you don’t accept your quote in that time but change your mind later, we may need to revise the original information.
The work
We’ll complete the work included in your quote or estimate with due skill and care, and in accordance with industry standards. We’ll provide replacements with similar functionality, although these may not have the same features or be an identical make and model or type of fitting. Or you can give the engineer a replacement part that you’ve bought yourself that we approve. We’ll always try and get parts from the original manufacturer or our approved suppliers.
Who will do the work
We’ll send an Edinburgh Gas & Renewables Engineer to carry out the work. In rare cases, we may send a suitably qualified contractor instead.
When we will do the work
We’ll start the work on the time and date we agree with you when you accept the quote or estimate. Unless we
agree otherwise, work must begin within 90 days of your acceptance of the quote and be done during our normal working hours (8am to 6pm Monday to Friday). Weekend works can be carried out where mutually agreeable.
What is not included
Our quotations are only for items stated within the quote, if any other works arise out with the itemised quote, we will issue a further quote for these. if you are unsure please contact us to verify.
Unrelated faults
Your quote or estimate is only for the work we have already agreed with you. We can quote you separately for other work needed for unrelated faults i.e. you’ve called us about a boiler breakdown but also ask us to fix a leaking radiator. We will agree any additional costs with you and provide you with an updated or additional quote
before starting work.
General Conditions
UK law
Your agreement is bound by the laws of whichever country the property included in your agreement is in – England and Wales, or Scotland.
Any deposit shown on your quotation must be paid when you accept your quote. You’ll need to pay the balance we’ve quoted you once we’ve finished the work, unless we’ve agreed you can pay in instalments.
12-month guarantee
We guarantee to repair or replace any faulty parts we’ve supplied, or fix any faulty work that we’ve
done for twelve months from the date that we did the work.
Reasonable timescales
We’ll give you our best time estimate for doing the work and we’ll do our best to keep to this, unless something beyond our control makes that impossible – in which case we’ll let you know as soon as possible and arrange a new time.
Working in your home
Our engineers will only work in homes if there’s someone 18 years old or older there at all times. It is your responsibility to give us access to your property. If we can’t get access, we won’t be able to complete the work and you’ll need to contact us to arrange another appointment.
Working in dangerous conditions
We won’t start or continue doing any work in your home if we believe there’s a health and safety risk, for example: hazardous chemicals, pest infestations, verbal or physical abuse, or harassment – and we won’t return to finish the work until that risk is gone.
If any asbestos needs to be removed before we can work in your home, you’ll need to arrange and
pay for someone else to remove it and give you a Certificate of Reoccupation which you’ll need to
show us.
Permissions and consents
It’s your responsibility to get any permission needed for the work, as we don’t accept liability
for unauthorised work, e.g. if you don’t own the property, you’ll need to get the owner’s permission first, or if the property is a listed building you may need planning permission.
You’ll be responsible for any losses or costs to us if claims are made against us for work carried out without the proper permission.
Design or existing faults
We won’t be responsible for the cost of repairs, or gaining access to make repairs, if there are design
faults (unless we’re responsible for the design faults). We also won’t be responsible for faults which existed before we gave you a quote, faults which we’ve told you about on a previous visit, or faults which we couldn’t reasonably have been expected to know about when we gave you
the quote.
Other loss or damage
We’ll do our best to carry out the work without causing unnecessary damage to your property, but you accept that the work (including removing or dismantling any existing fixtures and fittings) may cause damage. We’ll repair any damage we cause in getting access to your boiler, appliance or system by replacing items such as cabinets or cupboards that we’ve removed and by filling any holes we’ve made and leaving a level surface – but we won’t replace or restore the original surface or coverings, for example tiles, floor coverings, decoration, grass or plants. If the original surface or construction was damaged as a result of any prior fault with your system, for example a water leak, we will not replace the original surface.
Water supply and pressure
We won’t be responsible for your central heating, plumbing or drainage system not working properly because you don’t have enough water supply, or the water pressure is variable.
Specific Terms
Gas works
Adequate gas supply
You’ll need to make sure there’s an adequate gas supply coming through to your property before we start the work. We can put you in touch with a gas transporter if you need to arrange this.
Subsequent faults and damage
If your central heating system develops a fault after we’ve connected new equipment to it, we
won’t accept liability for the cost of repairing or replacing parts. This is unless we’ve worked in a
negligent way that caused the fault.
Plumbing and drains works
You’ll need to make sure we have clear access to drains and manhole covers, and a supply of mains electricity and water. If this isn’t provided to us, you may be responsible for any extra costs to us for any additional work as a result.